Thank you for your interest in The Goodhealth Program, We are sure that you have questions… Your peers had questions as well, and this is why we compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions.

Will we be facilitating on our own or with other interns?

​This depends on how many classes are available for each intern. Typically, interns facilitate alone, but in some cases, you can have a co-facilitator. Know that you will always have support from your assigned teacher and para-professionals who work closely with your assigned students. 

What if you have no experience facilitating a classroom?

​That’s OK! We provide extensive training on best practices, classroom management, and how to work with neuro-divergent individuals.

What are some leadership projects this internship offers?

We pride ourselves on innovating projects yearly and maintaining annual projects, such as Good Games, Business Development Workshops, and Community Outreach.

​We also offer internal program roles such as Assistant Intern, Marketing Chair, and Marketing Coordinator.

What are some tips to be successful in this role?

​Time management is critical in this role. We provide a hybrid-style internship opportunity, so you must balance your time effectively. Another tip would be to get involved! Participate in Goodwill of Silicon Valley external experiences and be an active member of Goodhealth.

Is there a preset curriculum, or do interns have to develop their own?

We provide health-related curriculum and lesson slides with various versions that can suit best for our students. We ensure this curriculum is up to date every year. Within our leadership projects, interns can build workshops from scratch.

Does this internship support accumulating volunteer/university hours?

Yes! Our program has helped dozens of SJSU and SCU students accumulate hours for graduation. These students would facilitate a minimum of 3 classes per week to support this need. We also allow these students to take on leadership roles that help collect hours.

What type of impact do health educators have on their students?

Our interns have the opportunity to educate, inspire, and motivate our students to become their advocates. We do this by facilitating every week, innovating projects, and ultimately building relationships with our students.

If you have any additional questions, that we will later add into the Frequently Asked Questions, please use the form below.

    GoodHealth Program
    Goodwill of Silicon Valley
    1080 N. 7th Street
    San Jose, CA 95112